04 801 8550

8 Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria


"Finally a Real Estate Agent who has something intelligent to say about the subject! Craig’s informative articles give true insights into Real Estate sales in a clear and succinct manner."

Guy Littlejohn, Managing Director, Revive Coffee

What is a Reserve Mortgage?
Traditionally, mortgages involve borrowing money to purchase a property, with repayments made over...
Why it's critical to think outside the square?
In real estate, following the herd can lead to less than stellar decision-making. The term...
How High Will Interest Rates Go?
What Are Interest Rates? When you borrow money from a bank, financial institution or other type of...
How Does KiwiSaver Work?
What is KiwiSaver, and Why Is It Valuable? KiwiSaver is a voluntary retirement savings scheme...
Buying A New Build Home?
If you’re looking at buying a new build home, there are things to be aware of regarding the...
What's the Difference Between Market Appraisal and Valuation?
If you're thinking about buying or selling a home, you'll want to know what it's worth. You want...

1 - 6 of 21 Posts

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